Conference «Prostitution and Municipal Ordinances»


We are pleased to invite you to the «Prostitution and Municipal Ordinances» Conference organized by the Antigone Group (UAB) and the GREDI (UB).

Date: June 2, 2016

Place: Juame Fuster Library (Pl./ Lesseps, 20-22, Barcelona)

This day is carried out within the framework of the Project I+D+i «El desarrollo de los derechops fundamentales en las ordenanzas municipales: límites y vulneraciones de derechos desde la perspectiva de género» (DER2014-58553-R) and the projectGENCPOLIS (FEM2015-71218-REDT), both financed by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness.



Sexist bullying in institutes

Encarna Bodelon is a teacher of philosophy of law and director of the Antigona research Group (law and society with gender perspective) at the UAB. From Antigone participate in the European project build future, stop bullying on sexist bullying in institutes. Comment that the teachers of the institutes that are part of the research consider that in general they do not have bullying problems in the center. If they ask them for sexist bullying most do not know that they are sexist behaviors that can become stereotypes but can also be macho violence towards girls, forms of sexual harassment or even some kind of sexual assault. Generally the victims are girls and some guys who don’t adapt to male role. But the reality is that there are indeed sexist bullying: » we believe that stereotypes have disappeared because we live in a society that formally tells us that we are equal but the hidden speech continues to be clearly sexist. There are still many cultural messages in advertising images, video games or cinema that perpetuate gender stereotypes. It’s a renewed sexism «.

Dr. Patsili Toledo participates in the day «Sexual violence in college, ideas and reflections in motion «

Dr. Patsili Toledo, researcher of the Antigona Group, participates in the day «Sexual violence in college, ideas and reflections in motion » with the presentation » the approach of sexual violence in Catalonia » (26/01/2018).

Seminar: «migrations, asylum and violence for gender reasons towards women»

Seminar of the Antigona group «migrations, asylum and violence for gender reasons towards women» in charge of Dr. Cris Fer.

Date and time: February 16, 2018 at 12.
Place: meeting room of the Facultat De Dret Uab

Free activity and without prior registration

Patsili Toledo will participate in various acts

Patsili Toledo, researcher from the antigone group, will participate in the following act:

Within the framework of the second days of inter-University Phd in gender studies: cultures, societies and policies, next January 31, 2018, from 18:00 to 19:30, will take place the round table with the title » from crime passion to gender violence. Evolucions and derives of research on sexist violence «.

The table is raised by a dialogue between researchers from different disciplines and generations: María Jesús Izquierdo (retired professor of sociology of the UAB), Neus Roca (teacher of social psychology in the UB), patsilí Toledo (teacher of law at the UAB ), and Edurne Jimenez (student of the Phd program, researcher at the urv and member of Candela). Moderarà the table Gerard Coll-Planas, coordinator of the Phd program in the uvic-UCC.

The round table will take place from 18:00 to 19:30 in the large room of the fourth floor of the faculty of geography and history of the university of Barcelona (Montalegre Street, 6, Barcelona).
Sign up:

Defense of doctoral thesis: The distance between current legislation on gender and its application

Doctoral thesis defense «The distance between current legislation on gender and its application.»

PhD student: Luisa Pilar Moreno Cuerva.

Director: Dr. Noelia Igareda González

Thursday October 17, Graus Room – Faculty of Law 11: 00h.

15 years of Postgraduate Diploma in Gender and Equality

We are pleased to invite you to the act «The feminist construction of gender policies», celebration of the 15 years of the Postgraduate Diploma in Gender and Equality.

Date: October 18, 2016

Place: Room «La Cuina» – Escola de la Dona (C / Sant Pere més baix, 7, Barcelona) «.


Sindicalysm and collective negotiation from a gender perspective

Lorena Garrido, member of Grupo Antígona, on Saturday, October 8, participated in the CNT-AIT Trade Union Training Seminar at a state level entitled «Trade unionism and collective bargaining from a gender perspective»


Study conducted by the Antigona Research Group

A study conducted by the researchers of the group antigone of the autonomous university of Barcelona (UAB), embodies bodelón and Maria Barcons, has revealed that the municipal ordinances are not the ideal instrument to regulate sexual work in the streets, since the fines Exacerbates the living conditions of prostitutes » (Drafting Catalunya Press)