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Feminisms and Intersectionality

I Feminist Training days from the Feminist Assembly of Cáceres Intervention by Rocío Medina from Grupo Antígona ?️ November 23, 2018 ? at 19:30 pm ?  Anumbara Space (Cáceres)

Intervention by Maria Barcon about trafficking women

Here you can listen to the interventions of yesterday’s event by Laura Laviano, from Genera, and Maria Barcons Campmajó, from Grupo Antígona, on trafficking women for forced prostitution Gran Canaria Igualdad   Hablamos de trata de mujeres con fines de prostitución forzada con Laura Labiano y María Barcons, de los colectivos Genera y el grupo Antígona Publicada por Gran […]


Article on the results of a Grupo Antígona project about the impact and consequences of municipal orders regulating sexual work. https://www.eldiario.es/sociedad/ordenanzas-municipales-sancionan-prostitucion-clandestinizan_0_830817730.html?fbclid=IwAR14-pRx2vnNVwr_0FpuZBjfggT1H00R915WDS-0ohFJizxkK0nv-z352PI

Reminder of Seminar

Remember that tomorrow will be held the Seminar «Care in institutions of protection in Uruguay» In charge of Cecilia Montes ?️ 9 November 2018 ? at 12:00 pm ? meeting room at the faculty of law of the UAB Organized by: Group Antigone of the UAB

Day of reflection: Types of Criminal Aggression and Sexual Abuse from a Gender Perspective

Day of reflection: Types of Criminal Aggression and sexual abuse from a gender perspective » study results on sexual abuse and abuse. The face of violence in the courts » Encarna Bodelon ?️ 9 November 2018 ? at 09.00 pm ? Auditorium of the centre of congresses of tecnocampus mataró-Maresme (AV. Ernest Lluch, 32-Mataró) http://www.ccmaresme.cat/document.php?id=13735&fbclid=IwAR21mtGL2NJ4pq6vpCQeIyOYwazpzvrqZmn8fNIdG4TlPOdvQH37KfsK9CY

Intervention by Lorena Garrido

Lorena Garrido intervenes today as an expert in the committee of the interior of the Congress of deputies for the reform of the organic law 4/2015 of citizen security protection https://www.eldiario.es/politica/Expertos-Ley-Mordaza_0_826268196.html