Reminder Seminar Amtígona Group

?️ March 15, 2019
? at 12 pm
? Room Von Ihering  Facultat de Dret at UAB

Commission of equality for people. 05/03/2019-ordinary session (Parliament of Catalonia)

Appearance of @ Encarna Bodelon, director of the Grupo Antígona of the autonomous university of Barcelona, to present the report «Evaluation of the resource network on care and integral recovery for women in a situation of sexist violence»

Intervention by Noelia Igareda in the Feminist Program Radio 4

Intervention by Noelia Igareda, from Grupo Antígona, on gestation subrogated in the Feminist Program on radio 4.


The Grupo Antígona participate in the feminist strike of #8 M. We stop to change everything! No step back! Consumption Strike, labor strike, care strike, student strike!